
ABES PRIME BATCH - Full Stack Development Course

Welcome to the ABES PRIME BATCH repository for the Full Stack Development Course. This repository contains day-wise folders, each covering different topics related to Full Stack Development.

📅 Daily Updates

Day 1 : Introduction to Web Development & Git Basics

Day 2 : HTML Fundamentals

  1. Text Formatting & Decoration
    • Using <b>, <i>, <u>, <small>, <del>, <ins>, <mark>, <code>, <blockquote>, and <abbr> for different text styles and emphasis.
  2. Lists & Addressing
    • Creating ordered (<ol>), unordered (<ul>), and description lists (<dl>).
    • Using the <address> tag for contact details.
  3. Tables
    • Structuring a weekly timetable using <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td>, colspan, and rowspan.
  4. Forms & Input Handling
    • Building a registration form using <form>, <input>, <label>, <select>, <textarea>, and <button>.
    • Implementing form validation with required attributes.


Day 3 : JavaScript Basics & CSS Specificity

1. HTML & Styling Basics

2. JavaScript Fundamentals

Day 4 : JavaScript Functions, Arrays, Loops & Objects

1. Functions in JavaScript

2. Arrays

3. Loops

4. Objects

Day 5: Callbacks & Array Methods

Day 6 : DOM Basics & Manipulation

DOM Basics:

DOM Manipulation:

Day 7 : JavaScript Events & DOM

  1. Form Events: Captured onchange, onkeydown, and onkeyup events for user input.
  2. DOM Manipulation: Created dynamic cards using document.createElement and event listeners.
  3. Event Handling: Click events changed card and text background colors with stopPropagation().
  4. Background Change: Button triggered random color changes for the webpage.
  5. Styling: Applied hover effects, shadows, and transitions for better UI interaction.

Day 8 : Dynamic Forms & Data Filtering

  1. Form Handling: Captured form submissions, validated unique emails, and dynamically added user data.
  2. Dropdown Filtering: Populated <select> options dynamically based on unique city names.
  3. Card Display: Rendered user details as cards with delete functionality.
  4. Data Filtering: Displayed cards based on selected city, updating UI accordingly.
  5. DOM Updates: Used innerHTML and event-driven rendering for seamless UI updates.

Day 9 : Async Callbacks and Promises

  1. Event Listeners – Handling asynchronous events using addEventListener.
  2. setTimeout – Delays execution of a function using browser-provided setTimeout().
  3. Callback Functions – Executing functions within functions, handling asynchronous operations.
  4. Real-world Asynchronous Case – User authentication, payment handling using callbacks and promises.
  5. Promises – Understanding fetch(), .then(), .catch() for handling API responses.
  6. DOM Manipulation – Fetching and displaying data dynamically using JavaScript.
  7. Local Storage – Storing fetched API data in localStorage for persistence.

Day 10: YouTube Clone Mini-Project

This project replicates a basic YouTube UI with video playback and history tracking using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
A beginner-friendly project showcasing DOM manipulation, event handling, and LocalStorage. 🚀

📧 Contact

For any queries, feel free to reach out:

Happy Coding! 🚀